All Pixelmon Commands

Customize your world and server!

Pixelmon is a modded version of Minecraft that brings the Pokémon to the game. The mod adds commands to Minecraft that apply specifically to Pixelmon to allow players and people running the servers to manipulate specific aspects of the game. The lists below provide the syntax and description of all the available commands.

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Core Commands

/breed <player> <slot 1> <slot 2>Gives the player an egg that results from the Pokémon specified. If the Pokémon can't breed, the command fails.
/breed <player>Attempts to find two Pokémon in the player's party that can breed and gives an egg if successful.
/checkSpawns [specific | type]Shows the chance of all Pokémon that may spawn in the player's area. If specific argument is added, only checks the block the player is standing on. If type is added, only spawns of that type are shown.
/dynamaxband <player>Gives the specified player a Dynamax Band.
/endbattle [player]Forces the battle the player is in to end, if applicable. If no player is specified, it applies to the player that forced the command.
/freezeToggles movement for all Pokémon in the world.
/givemoney <player> <amount>Gives specified player the specified amount of PokéDollars. Negative values take money from the player.
/givepixelsprite (player) <Pokémon>Gives the player a photo of the specified Pokémon.
/legendaryspawnAttempts to spawn a legendary Pokémon near the player that ran the command.
/megaring <player>Gives the selected player a Mega Ring.
/pokebattle <player 1> <player 2>Forces a battle between the specified players.
/pokebattle2 <player> <player | Pokémon> <player | Pokémon> <player | Pokémon | NPC Trainer>Forces a double battle. The first and second arguments have one team, and the third and fourth arguments have another team. If Pokémon or NPC Trainers are used for any argument, they are controlled by AI. Any Pokémon used in the arguments will have levels equal to the highest level Pokémon of the person who ran the command.
/pokegive <player> <Pokémon | random> [arguments]Puts the specified Pokémon into the specified player's party or PC (if the party is full). If the player is in a battle, the Pokémon is automatically sent to the player's PC.
/pokeheal [player]Heals the specified player's Pokémon. If no player is specified, it heals the Pokémon of the person who issued the command.
/pokereloadReloads the data from the shopkeeper and NPC external JSON files without restarting the server.
/pokesave < all | flush | player>Forces a save of the specified player's Pokémon. If all argument is used, forces a save of the Pokémon of every player.
/pokespawn <Pokémon | random> [argumentsSpawns the specified Pokémon.
/pokestats <player>Displays the number of times the specified player has lost or won a battle.
/printstoreLogs brief descriptions of all currently loaded player Pokémon storage data.
/psnapshot read <file name>Loads a set of blocks previously saved to a file by /snapshot save.
/psnapshot setSets a corner of the area to save at the player's location. 
/psnapshot save <file name>Saves the blocks in the area defined by the two previously set corners. 
/psnapshot placeCopies the previously saved blocks and places them where the player is located.
/psnapshot convert <file name>Converts a snapshot created in version 1.8.9 and below to be compatible with version 1.10.2.
/redeem <fedora | fez | tophat>Allows the player to redeem exclusive hat if applicable.
/redeem trainerhat [<red> <green> <blue>]Allows the player to redeem a Trainer hat if they have a linked Minecraft account.
/redeem <slot>Allows the player to redeem a special texture for specific Pokémon if applicable.
/redeem toggle <sash | robe | monocle | hat>Toggles a player's sash, robe, monocle, or hat.
/reloadquestsReloads all available External JSON files for quests.
/resetpokestats <player>Resets specified player's tracked wins and losses to 0.
/setparty <level> [moves]Permanently sets the levels of all the Pokémon in the player's party to the specified level. Adding the moves argument prompts the player to choose four moves from each Pokémon's move pool.
/setstage <quest> <stage> [player]Sets player to the stage number of the specified quest.
/spectate [player]Forces the user to spectate the battle the specified player is in. If no player is specified, it forces the user to stop spectating.
/struc <structure> | [<level>] | listSpawns specified structure near the player if possible. If no structure is specified, spawns a random structure. If list argument is used, command instead list all the structures that can be spawned. If level argument is used while spawning a gym, specifies the level of the NPC trainers inside.
/teach [player] [position] <move>Causes the Pokémon in the specified position of the player's party to learn the specified move. If no player is specified, it happens to the player that issued the command. If no position is specified, it happens to the lead Pokémon of the player that used the command.
/transfer <player> <amount>Transfers the specified amount of PokéDollars to commands user to the specified player.
/unlock <player>Unlocks any Pokémon owned by the specified player that are locked by a ranch block.
/warpplate set <x> <y> <z>Sets the warp plate the player is standing on to go to the specified coordinates. Does not work if the user is not standing on a warp plate.

Even More Pixelmon Commands

The commands listed below are available in the Pixelmon plugin called Even More Pixelmon Commands.

/checkevs <Pokémon name or number> [-c]Shows a list of the EVs provided from defeating the specified Pokémon.
/checkstats OR /cs [target] [slot] [-c]Shows a party Pokémon's information and stats.
/checktypes OR /type <Pokémon name or number> [-c]Shows list of Pokémon's resistances, weakness, immunities, and abilities.
/evenmorepixelmoncommands OR /empcShows accessible commands.
/fixgenders [target] [-c]Forces a Pokémon to a specific gender.
/partyhatch [target] [-c]Hatches the player's entire party.
/partyheal [target] [-c]Heals the player's entire party.
/randomtm [target] [-a]Gives specified target a random TM.
/resetdex <target> [-c]Resets specified player's Pokédex to zero entries.
/resetevs <slot> [-c]Resets all of a Pokémon's EVs to zero.
/showstats OR /show <slot> [-c]Shows a Pokémon's stats to the server.
/spawndex <Pokémon name or number> [-f|-o|-r|-s] [radius]Spawns specified Pokémon at your mouse cursor. -f argument broadcasts a fake spawning message. -o argument the spawn an outline. -r argument spawns in a random location. -s argument makes the spawn shiny.
/switchgender OR /bend <slot> [-c]Forces Pokémon to the opposite gender.
/timedhatch [target] <slot> [-c]Hatches a single Pokémon.
/timedheal [target] <slot> [-c]Heals a single Pokémon.

Those are all the commands currently available in Pixelmon! When new commands are added, we will update this list. So if you regularly play Pixelmon, be sure to check back!

Are you new to Pixelmon? Check out some of our basic guides to get you started like How to Make a PC in Pixelmon!

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About the Author

Freelance writer and jack-of-all-hobbyist-tech-development-trades (website, game, and program). My passion is to create content that entertains and makes people think critically.

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All Pixelmon Commands

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