Getting promoted is critical when trying to climb the ranks and make more money at whatever job you are currently working at in Bitlife. Luckily you can climb these ranks and get promoted fast by working harder and putting in a ton of hours.
To work harder, all you need to do is find the action under the job tab. Using this will make your character work harder and increase the chances of you getting promoted every year. Because of that, we recommend doing this at least once every year.
Along with working harder and you should also improve your relationship with your supervisor, as you will find it hard to get promoted otherwise. If you have a poor relationship with them, they will do everything in their power to keep you down. That said, you can improve their relationship by going into their profile and choosing a positive action such as gifts or compliments.
After playing it nicely with your supervisor, the next thing you can do is to use the hours option. To use this option, you will need to first have a job with the options under the job tab - If you don't see this option, the job doesn't have it.
Either way, with a job that has the option, you can use it to change the number of hours you work every week. We recommend setting the option up to something around 50 hours and then try aging a year along with working harder. Do this, and you will get promoted in no time.
For more on Bitlife, check out How to develop an Addiction in Bitlife and How to make friends in Bitlife