Armored Core 6 is a long-awaited sixth installment in the ever-popular robot-fighting franchise, made for the next generation of players. I knew from the start that the game would be developed for previous and current-generation platforms at the same time, which had me wondering just how well it would perform on the current-generation systems, specifically the PlayStation 5. This guide will delve deeper into the performance of Armored Core 6 on the PS5 console, so let's take a closer look.
How well does Armored Core 6 work on PS5?
I am pleased to say that Armored Core 6 has worked exceptionally well on the PS5 system from the launch, delivering optimal visual performance and smooth gameplay. As is the case with all games coming out lately, AC6 features two different performance settings:
- Frame rate mode: This mode prioritizes game performance and frame rate optimization, ensuring you get the butter-smooth 60fps experience no matter how much action happens on the screen. Due to the game asking for snappy reaction times and quick trigger action, I find myself playing in this mode more frequently.
- Quality mode: This mode forgoes the smoothness and constant, stable frame rates in favor of the full 3840 x 2160 resolution while aiming to get the 60fps experience most of the time.
I was very happy to see that the developers in FromSoftware took their time optimizing the game to work on multiple generations of systems. While looking fresh and updated on the current-gen systems like the PS5, Armored Core 6 still runs stable and smooth on the PS4, squeezing every last drop of potential from the previous era's console.
How to change the performance settings in AC6
Changing the performance settings in Armored Core 6 is simple; just follow the steps below:
- Launch Armored Core 6 on your platform.
- Once in the main menu, go to the System settings.
- Select Graphics settings from the side menu.
- Navigate to Performance settings and toggle your preferred mode.
Looking for more guides on Armored Core 6? Look no further; you've come to the right place! Check out Armored Core 6 has a lot more Dark Souls DNA than you think, and All Armored Core 6 pre-order bonuses and edition comparisons, here on Pro Game Guides!