In Marvel Snap, the main currency you'll be dealing with in-game is Credits, which are the blue rectangular piles you get from caches and quests. These Credits are used to upgrade cards and increase your Collection Level to acquire more cards, making them the most important resource in the game along with Boosters. However, there is a limit to how many Credits you can have at one time, and recently Second Dinner added a Pro Bundle to the game that breaks that limit, making many players ask questions about the Credit limit.
What is the Credit Limit in Marvel Snap?
At the present time, Marvel Snap's Credit limit is 10,000 Credits. For most players, this feels like an unattainable number that is shockingly high, and other players ask the question of why there needs to be a Credit limit in the first place.
For players saying that limit is unattainable, it is certainly attainable by players who spend a large quantity of real money on the Gold currency in the game. With enough money, players can quickly reach the Credit ceiling.
However, that still raises the question of why there needs to be a Credit ceiling in the first place. The answer to this is that Marvel Snap matchmaking uses multiple factors for matching players against each other, and one of those factors is Collection Level. Because of this, if players were allowed to hoard as many credits as they want, they could continually match up against players in the lower collection levels, potentially allowing them to climb into the high ranks before dumping all of their Credits at once to rocket through the Collection Level ranks.
Though they would face off against players of similar Collection Levels, if they were low enough they would constantly match into brand new players with no experience, making for a breezy climb through the ranks and a terrible experience for new players.
One notable thing that players figured out is the 10,000 Credit limit can be exceeded in the case of purchasing a bundle, and the most notable case is with Marvel Snap's Pro Bundle.
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What is Marvel Snap's Pro Bundle?
The Pro Bundle in Marvel Snap is a bundle available indefinitely to all players. Here are the most notable things about the bundle:
- Its price is marked at $100.
- It contains 1,240 Boosters split into eight piles of 155 Boosters each. These piles will be randomly assigned to cards.
- It contains 12,500 Credits.
While most players will shun this bundle due to its massive price tag, players looking to buy the bundle are wondering how it interacts with the Credit Limit. As stated above, purchasing bundles allows you to exceed the Credit limit, and this is also the case with the Pro Bundle. However, you need to spend credits until you get below 10,000 Credits in order to acquire more. Otherwise, you'll be stuck over the Credit limit and will not gain more Credits until you go below it.
For those wondering if the Pro Bundle is a good deal, the answer lies in whether you believe Marvel Snap's dollar to Gold rate to be fair. If you believe it to be a fair conversion, then the Pro Bundle is indeed a good deal. If you spent $100 dollars on Gold for Marvel Snap and converted it directly into Credits, you would net 10,000 Credits. For this same price, the Pro Bundle offers 2,500 more credits as well as the Boosters required to upgrade cards. Therefore, according to Second Dinner this is a great deal, but $100 is $100, so it will be up to you whether you feel it's a fair trade.
Want more information on Marvel Snap? Check out the 15 Best Pool 3 Cards in Marvel Snap and Marvel Snap Savage Land update changes from Pro Game Guides!