To excel in any competitive multiplayer shooter game, you need a smooth and lag-free gameplay experience. The first step in achieving this is to have a high FPS count by optimizing your in-game settings. For a game like Valorant, you can begin by turning off unnecessary graphic feature options like Anti-Aliasing and Vsync.
Remember, implementing the above settings will help you gain 20 to 50 FPS. Still, there are a lot of other factors like GPU and CPU performance that determine the final FPS count on any system.
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About the Author
Vignesh Raja started playing video games at age five and immediately fell in love with them. Though his adventure begins with story-based games like Total Overdose and Prince of Persia, he soon gravitated toward competitive FPS and simulation games. That passion led him to play multiple Esports titles like FIFA, Paladins, and Apex Legends on a semi-professional level since high school. Nowadays, he shares his competitive knowledge by coaching upcoming BR teams and writing guides for Valorant, BitLife, and Roblox.