TFT Cheat Sheets | Set 9.5: Horizonbound! – Champions, Traits, Augments, & Items

All you need to know!

Teamfight Tactics is an ever evolving game where new content makes the gaming always feel fresh. That's the case with TFT Set 9.5, which introduces a lot of new things to the game. There's so much to remember though that sometimes you just need a quick reference for all the Champions, traits, and breakout points. To ease your experience, use our TFT Cheat Sheets for Set 9.5 Horizonbound!

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TFT 9.5 Cheat Sheet Trait Overview

Bilgewater Trait in TFT 9.5

Bilgewater champions mark enemies by their attacks or abilities, which then in turn store damage and deal the enemy units bonus damage by being struck by a cannonball after 1.5 seconds.

Darkin Trait in TFT 9.5

Darkin champions possess the nearest ally upon dying, turning into the Darkin champion and using their abilities.

Demacia Trait in TFT 9.5

Your strongest Demacia champion gains a radiant item in each combat, also granting Armor, Magic Resist to themselves and allies adjacent to them.

Freljord Trait in TFT 9.5

Freljord champions summon an ice storm after 8 seconds of combat, dealing true damage and giving enemies Shred or Sunder debuffs.

Ionia Trait in TFT 9.5

Each Ionia champion has a bonus ability on top of their regular ability, as well as getting enlightened every four seconds and gaining 20 mana with double stats for four more seconds.

Ixtal Trait in TFT 9.5

Turns one or two hexes into elemental ones, giving random bonuses, changing every game.

Noxus Trait in TFT 9.5

Gain Ability Power and Attack Damage, increasing by 5% with every enemy unit you've defeated.

Piltover Trait in TFT 9.5

You get a T-Hex unit gaining Charges upon losing, turning them into Power upon winning a round, then gets loot based on the Charges you stacked and converted.

Shurima Trait in TFT 9.5

Champions gain 5% maximum Health every four seconds, ascending after eight seconds while gaining 20% maximum Health and 30% Attack Speed.

Targon Trait in TFT 9.5

All units gain increased Healing and Shielding.

Void Trait in TFT 9.5

Gain an additional unit turning into a Void Remora, Rift Herald, or Baron Nashor depending on the number of Void champions you have on your board. This unit gains Health and Ability Power by 25% for every star level your units gain.

Wanderer Trait in TFT 9.5

A specific trait for Ryze, changing his spell depending on which portal players voted to choose at the start of the game.

Zaun Trait in TFT 9.5

Get powerful chem-mods only to be usable by Zaun champions.

Bastion Trait in TFT 9.5

Gain increased Armor and Magic Resist, increased by 100% during the first 10 seconds of the round.

Bruiser Trait in TFT 9.5

All units gain 100 Health, Bruisers gain additional maximum Health.

Challenger Trait in TFT 9.5

Challengers dash to a new target after defeating them while gaining 50% increased Attack Speed for 2.5 seconds.

Empress Trait in TFT 9.5

A unique trait for Bel'Veth, she leaves behind a Void Coral behind her after killing an enemy, gaining 50% maximum Health for the first time, 20% maximum Health, and dealing 10% of her maximum Health as Magic damage to enemies within two hexes for the rest of the time upon consuming the Void Coral. 

Gunner Trait in TFT 9.5

Gunners gain Attack Damage upon attacking, stacking up to eight times.

Invoker Trait in TFT 9.5

All units gain mana every three seconds.

Juggernaut Trait in TFT 9.5

Juggernaut units take lesser damage as their Health decreases.

Multicaster Trait in TFT 9.5

Cast ability multiple times depending on the number of Multicasters fielded, with 60% reduced effectiveness.

Reaver King Trait in TFT 9.5

A trait exclusive to Gangplank, his ability swaps when fielded in the front or back lane.

Rogue Trait in TFT 9.5

Rogue champions become untargetable once their Health is below 50%, and they dash to another enemy in the back lane within four hexes, additionally bleeding an enemy for 60% of their maximum Health for over 2.5 seconds as Magic damage.

Slayer Trait in TFT 9.5

Slayers gain 12% Omnivamp as well as bonus damage, doubled against units below 66% Health.

Sorcerer Trait in TFT 9.5

Sorcerers gain bonus Ability Power as well as dealing a percentage of a dead enemy's maximum Health to other enemy units.

Strategist Trait in TFT 9.5

Units in the front two rows gain a shield for 15 seconds, while units in the back two rows gain Ability Power.

Technogenius Trait in TFT 9.5

Unique to Heimerdinger, gain an Apex Turret with various upgrade slots and as much Attack Speed and Ability Power as Heimerdinger.

Vanquisher Trait in TFT 9.5

Vanquishers gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage.

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TFT Set 9.5 Champions List

Champions are always the interesting part of Teamfight Tactics updates. Some of the best TFT units are awaiting you in the TFT Set 9.5 champions list below!

TFT Set 9.5 One-cost Champions

  • Cassiopeia - Noxus, Shurima, Invoker
  • Cho'Gath - Void, Bruiser
  • Graves - Bilgewater, Gunner, Rogue
  • Illaoi - Bilgewater, Bastion
  • Irelia - Ionia, Challenger
  • Jhin - Ionia, Vanquisher
  • Kayle - Demacia, Slayer
  • Malzahar - Void, Sorcerer
  • Milo - Ixtal, Invoker
  • Oriana - Piltover, Sorcerer
  • Poppy - Demacia, Bastion
  • Renekton - Shurima, Bruiser
  • Samira - Noxus, Challenger

TFT Set 9.5 Two-cost Champions

  • Ashe - Freljord, Vanquisher
  • Galio - Demacia, Invoker
  • Jinx - Zaun, Gunner
  • Kassadin - Void, Bastion
  • Naafiri - Darkin, Shurima, Challenger
  • Qiyana - Ixtal, Slayer, Rogue
  • Sett - Ionia, Juggernaut
  • Soraka - Targon, Invoker
  • Swain - Noxus, Strategist, Sorcerer
  • Taliyah - Shurima, Multicaster
  • Twisted Fate - Bilgewater, Multicaster
  • Vi - Piltover, Bruiser
  • Warwick - Zaun, Juggernaut, Challenger

TFT Set 9.5 Three-cost Champions

  • Darius - Noxus, Juggernaut, Vanquisher
  • Ekko - Zaun, Piltover, Rogue
  • Jayce - Piltover, Gunner
  • Karma - Ionia, Invoker
  • Katarina - Noxus, Rogue
  • Miss Fortune - Bilgewater, Strategist
  • Nautilus - Bilgewater, Juggernaut
  • Neeko - Ixtal, Bastion
  • Quinn - Demacia, Slayer
  • Rek'Sai - Void, Bruiser, Slayer
  • Sona - Demacia, Multicaster
  • Taric - Targon, Bastion, Sorcerer
  • Vel'Koz - Void, Multicaster, Sorcerer

Related: TFT Augment Tier List

TFT Set 9.5 Four-cost Champions

  • Apehlios - Targon, Gunner
  • Azir - Shurima, Strategist
  • Fiora - Demacia, Challenger
  • Jarvan IV - Demacia, Strategist
  • Kai'Sa - Void, Challenger
  • Morekaiser - Noxus, Slayer
  • Nasus - Shurima, Juggernaut
  • Nilah - Bilgewater, Vanquisher
  • Sejuani - Freljord, Bruiser
  • Shen - Ionia, Bastion, Invoker
  • Silco - Zaun, Sorcerer
  • Xayah - Ionia, Vanquisher

TFT Set 9.5 Five-cost Champions

  • Aatrox - Darkin, Slayer, Juggernaut
  • Ahri - Ionia, Sorcerer
  • Bel'Veth - Empress, Void
  • Gangplank - Bilgewater, Gunner, Reaver King
  • Heimerdinger - Piltover, Technogenius
  • K'Sante - Shurima, Bastion
  • Ryze - Wanderer, Invoker
  • Sion - Noxus, Bruiser

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All Augments in TFT Set 9.5

TFT Set 9.5 Silver Augments

  • AFK - You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 20 gold.
  • All Natural I - Your champions with no items equipped gain 120 Health and heal for 1% of their max Health each second.
  • Army Building - Gain a Lesser Champion Duplicator. This happens a second time after 7 player combats.
  • Bastion Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Bastion. Gain a Kassadin.
  • Blood Money - Gain 1 gold per 3 Health your Tactician loses.
  • Branching Out - Gain a random Emblem and a Reforger.
  • Bronze Ticket - Every 4 shop refreshes, gain a free refresh.
  • Bruiser Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Bruiser. Gain a Vi.
  • Buried Treasures I - Gain a random item component at the start of the next 2 rounds (including this round).
  • Caretaker's Ally - Each time you level up, gain the same random Tier 2 champion.
  • Challenger Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Challenger. Gain a Warwick.
  • Component Buffet - Whenever you would get a random component, instead gain a Component Anvil. Gain a random component.
  • Consistency - Gain double win and loss streak gold.
  • Cutting Corners - Leveling up costs 3 XP less. You can now reach Level 10.
  • Cybernetic Bulk I - Your champions holding an item gain 225 Health.
  • Cybernetic Leech I - Your units holding an item gain 80 Health and 10% Omnivamp.
  • Demacia Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Demacia. Gain a Galio.
  • Gunner Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Gunner. Gain a Jinx.
  • Harmacist I - Your units heal for 10% of the damage they deal, and they convert 20% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack.
  • Healing Orbs I - When an enemy dies, the nearest allied unit is healed for 250.
  • Inconsistency - If your streak is less than 3, gain 2 gold.
  • Indomitable Will - When your units score a takedown they shed all negative effects and become immune to crowd control for 10 seconds.
  • Invoker Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Invoker. Gain a Soraka.
  • Ionia Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Ionia. Gain a Sett.
  • Iron Assets - Gain a Component Anvil and 4 gold.
  • Jeweled Lotus I - Combat start: Your strongest unit gains 40% Critical Strike Chance and their abilities can critically strike.
  • Juggernaut Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Juggernaut. Gain a Sett.
  • Lategame Specialist - When you reach Level 9, gain 44 gold.
  • Latent Forge - Gain an Artifact Anvil after 8 player combats.
  • Long Distance Pals - Combat start: Your two furthest units form a bond, sharing 20% of their Armor, Magic Resist, Attack Damage, and Ability Power with each other.
  • Missed Connections - Gain a copy of each Tier 1 champion.
  • Missing Link - After you refresh your shop 40 times, gain a copy of each Tier 5 unit.
  • Noxus Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Noxus. Gain a Swain.
  • On a Roll - Whenever you star up a champion, gain a free shop refresh, up to 2 time(s) per turn. Gain 2 Gold.
  • One Twos Three - Gain 1 Tier one unit, 2 Tier two units, and 1 Tier three unit.
  • One, Two, Five! - Gain 1 random component, 2 gold, and 1 random Tier 5 champion(s).
  • Pandora's Bench - Gain 2 gold. At the start of every round, champions on the 3 rightmost bench slots transform into random champions of the same cost.
  • Pandora's Items - Gain 1 random item component(s). Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown, Spatula, and consumables).
  • Pumping Up I - Your units gain 8% Attack Speed. Each round, increase this by 0.5%.
  • Recombobulator - Champions on your board permanently transform into random champions 1 Tier higher. Gain 2 Magnetic Removers.
  • Red Buff - Your units' attacks burn their targets for 5% of their maximum Health over 5 seconds and reduce their targets' healing received by 50%.
  • Risky Moves - Your Tactician loses 20 Health, but after 7 player combats, gain 30 gold.
  • Rogue Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Rogue. Gain a Qiyana.
  • Shurima Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Shurima. Gain a Taliyah.
  • Silver Spoon - Gain 10 XP.
  • Slayer Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Slayer. Gain a Qiyana.
  • Social Distancing I - Combat start: Units with no adjacent allies gain 10% Attack Damage and 10 Ability Power.
  • Sorcerer Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Sorcerer. Gain a Swain.
  • Spoils of War I - When you kill an enemy unit, there's a 25% chance to drop loot.
  • Stationary Support I - Gain 1 Training Dummy(s). In 8 player combats, equip the dummy(s) with 1 random Support Item(s), which cannot be removed.
  • Tiny Titans - Your Tactician heals 30 Health, grows larger, and gains 30 maximum health.
  • Transfusion I - Your units gain 20 Health, plus 2 Health per missing Tactician Health.
  • Unburdened I - Your units without items equipped gain 30% Attack Speed.
  • Unified Resistance I - If you have 3 or more units in the same row at the start of combat, they all gain 15 Armor and Magic Resist.
  • Vanquisher Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Vanquisher. Gain an Ashe.
  • Young and Wild and Free - You can always move freely on Carousel rounds. Gain 1 random item component(s).
  • Zaun Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Zaun. Gain a Warwick.

TFT Set 9.5 Gold Augments

  • A Cut Above - Gain a Deathblade. Champions holding Deathblade have a 25% chance to drop 1 gold on kill.
  • Adrenaline Rush - Your Juggernauts deal 10% more damage, increased to 20% for the rest of combat when they fall below 50% Health. Gain 2 Juggernauts.
  • All Natural II - Your champions with no items equipped gain 150 Health and heal for 2% of their max Health each second.
  • All That Shimmers - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 3 Shimmerscale items. Shimmerscale items aid gold generation.
  • Ancient Archives I - Gain 1 Tome of Traits and 3 gold.
  • Bastion Crest - Gain a Bastion Emblem and a Kassadin.
  • Bilgewater Crest - Gain a Bilgewater Emblem and a Twisted Fate.
  • Bruiser Crest - Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Vi.
  • Built Different II - Your units with no Traits active gain 200-425 Health and 40-60% Attack Speed (based on current Stage).
  • Buried Treasures II - Gain a random item component at the start of the next 3 rounds (including this round).
  • Capricious Forge - Gain a Blacksmith's Gloves, which equips two temporary Artifacts each round.
  • Caretaker's Favor - Gain a Component Anvil when you reach level 5, 6, 7, and 8.
  • Challenger Crest - Gain a Challenger Emblem and a Warwick.
  • Chemtech Enhancements - Your units with Zaun's chem-mods gain 500 Health. Allies that start combat adjacent to them gain 250 Health. Gain 2 Zaun units.
  • Combat Caster - Your units gain 90-170 Shield (based on current Stage) for 6 seconds after casting their ability.
  • Contagion - Combat start: Infect the highest Health enemy, causing them to take 18% more damage. Every 5 seconds or on death, the infection spreads to 2 nearby enemies.
  • Cybernetic Bulk II - Your champions holding an item gain 300 health.
  • Cybernetic Leech II - Your units holding an item gain 120 Health and 15% Omnivamp.
  • Dedication - The first time you field at least 4 distinct units of the same trait in player combat, gain an Emblem for that trait.
  • Defensive Dash - Combat start and on takedown: Your Challenger units gain 75-225 Shield (based on current Stage) for 2.5 seconds. Gain 2 Challenger units.
  • Demacia Crest - Gain a Demacia Emblem and a Galio.
  • Demonflare - Gain a Swain. Your strongest Swain deals 3% increased damage per 100 max Health.
  • Double Trouble II - When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 33% Attack Damage and 33 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
  • Dueling Gunners - Your Gunner units gain 8% Attack Speed, plus 2% per Gunner stack. Gain 2 Gunners.
  • Early Education - Your units permanently gain 1 Ability Power whenever they kill an enemy. Units start with 15 bonus Ability Power.
  • Endurance Training - Your units permanently gain 18 Health every time they kill an enemy. Units start with 100 bonus Health.
  • Escort Quest - Gain a Training Dummy. Each round, if it survives combat, gain 3 gold.
  • Freljord Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Freljord. Gain an Ashe.
  • Frequent Flier - After you refresh your shop 8 times, your refreshes cost 1 for the rest of the game.
  • Gargantuan Resolve - Gain a Titan's Resolve. Your Titan's Resolves can continue stacking to 40 instead of 25.
  • Gifts from the Fallen - Your units gain 4% Attack Damage, 4 Ability Power, 4 Armor, and 4 Magic Resist. Each time an allied unit dies, gain these stats again.
  • Glacial Breeze - When your Freljordian Storm strikes, your units are shielded for 15% of their maximum Health and gain 8% Attack Speed. Gain 2 Freljord units.
  • Gunner Crest - Gain a Gunner Emblem and a Jinx.
  • Harmacist II - Your units heal for 15% of the damage they deal, and they convert 25% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack.
  • Healing Orbs II - When an enemy dies, the nearest allied unit is healed for 500.
  • Hustler - You earn no interest, but gain 3 gold at the start of every player combat round.
  • Idealism - Gain a Hand of Justice. Champions holding Hand of Justice deal 12% increased damage.
  • Infusion - Your units restore 20 Mana every 6 seconds.
  • Invoker Crest - Gain an Invoker Emblem and a Soraka.
  • Ionia Crest - Gain a Ionia Emblem and a Sett.
  • Ixtal Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Ixtal. Gain a Qiyana.
  • Jeweled Lotus II - Your units' Abilities can critically strike. Your units gain 15% Critical Strike chance.
  • Juggernaut Crest - Gain an Juggernaut Emblem and a Sett.
  • Know Your Enemy - Your units deal 12% increased damage. If you and your opponent have any of the same traits activated, they deal 18% increased damage instead.
  • Last Stand - The first time you would be eliminated or reduced to 1 Health, instead remain alive. After this effect triggers, your units permanently gain 180 Health, 18 Armor and Magic Resist, and 18% Omnivamp.
  • Library Card - Gain a Tome of Traits and a Component Anvil.
  • Long Distance Pals II - Combat start: Your two furthest units form a bond, sharing 25% of their Armor, Magic Resist, Attack Damage, and Ability Power with each other.
  • Loving Invocation - Your team gains 2 Ability Power until the end of combat each time your Invokers cast their Abilities. Gain 2 Invokers.
  • Magic Wand - Gain a Needlessly Large Rod. Your units gain 18 Ability Power.
  • Mana Burn - Gain a Shroud of Stillness. All enemies take 2% of their maximum Health as true damage each second until the first time they cast their Ability.
  • Martyr - Whenever one of your units dies, all allies heal for 10% of their maximum Health.
  • Metabolic Accelerator - Your Tactician moves faster and heals 2 Health after a PvP round.
  • Morning Light - When your Bastion units drop below 50% Health, they heal for 40% of their maximum Health over 4 seconds. Gain 2 Bastion units.
  • Multicaster Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Multicaster. Gain a Taliyah.
  • Not Today - Gain an Edge of Night. Champions holding Edge of Night gain 35% Attack Speed.
  • Noxus Crest - Gain a Noxus Emblem and a Swain.
  • Overcharged Manafont - Combat start: Your Sorcerers gain 10 mana. The first time each Sorcerer gets a takedown each combat, they gain 20 Mana. Gain 2 Sorcerers.
  • Pandora's Items II - Gain 1 random completed item(s). Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown, Spatula, and consumables).
  • Parting Gifts - When a unit dies, they pass a temporary copy of one of their items to the nearest ally with open slots and shield them for 40% of their maximum Health.
  • Patient Study - After player combat, gain 2 XP if you won or 3 XP if you lost. You can now reach Level 10.
  • Perfected Repetition - Each time your Multicasters cast their Ability, they gain 6 Ability power (max: 90) until the end of combat. Gain 2 Multicasters.
  • Petricite Shackles - Your Demacians deal 15% more damage, increased to 22% against Noxians and enemies with 100 or more maximum Mana. Gain 3 Demacians.
  • Piltover Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Piltover. Gain a Vi.
  • Portable Forge - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 2 unique Artifacts.
  • Portable Forge - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 3 unique Artifacts.
  • Portable Forge - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 4 unique Artifacts.
  • Pumping Up II - Your units gain 8% Attack Speed. Each round, increase this by 1%.
  • Ravenous Hunter - Gain a Warwick. When your strongest Warwick takes or deals damage, he gains 5% Attack Damage and 5 Ability Power, stacking up to 45 times. His passive healing is replaced with magic damage on his attacks.
  • Rejuvenating Flames - Allies heal for 8% of their max Health every 5 seconds. Allies that started combat in an elemental hex heal for 15% instead. Gain 2 Ixtal champions.
  • Return on Investment - After you refresh your shop 18 times, gain a Tactician's Crown
  • Rich Get Richer - Gain 12 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 7.
  • Rich Get Richer+ - Gain 18 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 7.
  • Riftwalk - Gain a Kassadin. Before casting, your strongest Kassadin gains 35 Ability Power and blinks to the furthest enemy within 3 hexes, but his ability no longer disarms or shields. His Mana cost is reduced by 30.
  • Rising Infamy - Round start: Get a level 1 treasure chest. Your cannon barrages permanently improve future chests. Gain 3 Bilgerats.
  • Rising Infamy+ - Round start: Get a level 2 treasure chest. Your cannon barrages permanently improve future chests. Gain 3 Bilgerats.
  • Rising Infamy++ - Round start: Get a level 3 treasure chest. Your cannon barrages permanently improve future chests. Gain 3 Bilgerats.
  • Rogue Crest - Gain a Rogue Emblem and a Qiyana.
  • Salvage Bin - Gain a random completed item now, and a component after 7 player combats. Selling champions breaks apart their full items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown).
  • Salvage Bin+ - Gain a random completed item now, and a component after 4 player combats. Selling champions breaks apart their full items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown).
  • Scoped Weapons - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain +2 Attack Range and 15% Attack Speed.
  • Scrappy Inventions - At the start of combat, up to 5 components on your champions turn into completed items for the rest of combat. At the start of the next 2 stage(s), gain a component.
  • Sentinel's Spirit - While in spirit form, your Ionians gain 10% Attack Speed and shield themselves for 15% of their maximum Health. Gain 2 Ionians.
  • Shimmering Inventors - Your Piltover units deal 7% more damage for every 10 gold you have (max: 35%), and have a 33% chance to drop 1 gold at round start. Gain an Ekko.
  • Shoplifting - At the start of each turn, gain the highest Tier champion in your shop for free.
  • Shurima Crest - Gain a Shurima Emblem and a Taliyah.
  • Shurima's Legacy - After 8 seconds of combat, the Sun Disc attacks enemies for 145-725 magic damage every 2 seconds (based on current Stage). Gain 2 Shurimans.
  • Silver Ticket - Each time your shop is refreshed, you have a 30% chance to gain a free refresh.
  • Slayer Crest - Gain a Slayer Emblem and a Qiyana.
  • Slayer's Resolve - When your Slayers take or deal damage, they gain 2 stacking Armor and Magic Resistance for the rest of combat (max: 25 stacks). Gain 2 Slayers.
  • Sleight of Hand - Gain a Thief's Gloves. Champions holding Thief's Gloves gain 200 Health and 20% Attack Speed.
  • Social Distancing II - Combat start: Units with no adjacent allies gain 16% Attack Damage and 16 Ability Power.
  • Sorcerer Crest - Gain a Sorcerer Emblem and a Swain.
  • Spoils of War II - When you kill an enemy unit, there's a 30% chance to drop loot.
  • Stable Evolution - Your Void units gain 60 Health and 6% Attack Damage and Ability Power for each star level they have. Gain 2 Void units.
  • Stars are Born - The first Tier 1 champion and Tier 2 champion you buy are upgraded to 2-star. Gain 6 gold.
  • Stationary Support II - Gain 1 Training Dummy(s). They have 1 random Support Item(s) equipped, which cannot be removed.
  • Stellacorn's Blessing - While you have the Targon trait activated, your units gain 35% Attack Speed for 4 seconds after being healed or shielded. Gain 2 Targonians.
  • Stolen Vitality - When your Vanquisher's attacks and Abilities critically strike, they heal the ally with the most missing Health by 1.5% of that ally's max Health. Gain 2 Vanquishers.
  • Strategist Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Strategist. Gain a Swain.
  • Support Cache - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 4 unique Support items.
  • Tactical Superiority - Your champions gain 4% Attack Damage and Ability Power for each of their active traits, doubled when you field a Strategist. Gain 2 Strategists.
  • Targon Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Targon. Gain a Soraka.
  • The Boss - Gain a Sett. The first time your strongest Sett falls below 60% Health, he takes a break to do sit-ups. Each sit-up heals him 10% of his max Health and grants 40% Attack Speed and 40 Ability Power.
  • Three's Company - Gain 4 random Tier 3 champions.
  • Three's a Crowd - Your units gain 100 Health for each unique Tier 3 unit you field.
  • Titanic Strength - Bruisers gain increased Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of their maximum Health. Gain 2 Bruisers.
  • Tons of Stats! - Your team gains 35 Health, 5% Attack Damage, 5 Ability Power, 5 Armor, 5 Magic Resist, 5% Attack Speed, and 5 Mana.
  • Total Domination - Noxus units' attacks and Abilities execute enemies below 3% Health, increased by 1% for each player you've Conquered. Gain 2 Noxians.
  • Trade Sector - Gain a free Shop refresh each round. Gain 2 gold.
  • Transfusion II - Your units gain 40 Health, plus 3 Health per missing Tactician Health.
  • Two Healthy - Your units gain 100 Health for each unique Tier 2 unit you field.
  • Unburdened II - Your units without items equipped gain 55% Attack Speed.
  • Unified Resistance II - If you have 3 or more units in the same row at the start of combat, they all gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist.
  • Unstable Yordle Delivery - Round start: Gain a random Yordle or 1-5 gold (based on current Stage). Gain 3 Yordles now.
  • Vampiric Blades - Your units gain 10% Omnivamp. Your Rogues gain 20% instead. Gain 2 Rogues.
  • Vanquisher Crest - Gain a Vanquisher Emblem and an Ashe.
  • Void Crest - Gain a Void Emblem and a Kassadin.
  • Void Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Void. Gain a Kassadin.
  • What Doesn't Kill You - After losing your combat, gain 2 gold. Every 4 losses, gain a random component.
  • Winds of War - Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio's ability gets larger with each cast, and enemies hit take magic damage equal to 12% of his max Health each second.
  • You Have My Bow - Gain a Recurve Bow. Your units gain 12% Attack Speed.
  • You Have My Sword - Gain a B.F. Sword. Your units gain 15% Attack Damage.
  • Zaun Crest - Gain a Zaun Emblem and a Warwick.

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TFT Set 9.5 Prismatic Augments

  • Ancient Archives II - Gain 2 Tome of Traits and 5 gold.
  • Bastion Crown - Gain a Bastion Emblem, a Sunfire Cape, and a Taric.
  • Bilgewater Crown - Gain a Bilgewater Emblem, a Night Harvester, and a Nautilus.
  • Binary Airdrop - Your champions equipped with 2 items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat. Gain 1 random item components.
  • Birthday Present - Gain 2 gold and a 2-star champion every time you level up. The champion's tier is your level minus 4 (min: Tier 1).
  • Blinding Speed - Gain a Rapid Firecannon, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, a Recurve Bow, and a Magnetic Remover.
  • Bruiser Crown - Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Redemption, and a Rek'Sai.
  • Built Different III - Your units with no Traits active gain 300-550 Health and 45-65% Attack Speed (based on current Stage).
  • Buried Treasures III - Gain a random item component at the start of the next 6 rounds (including this round).
  • Caretaker's Chosen - As you level, gain more powerful items.Level 4 - Component AnvilLevel 6 - Completed Item AnvilLevel 7 - Open a Radiant Item armory
  • Challenger Crown - Gain a Challenger Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Naafiri.
  • Cruel Pact - Buying XP costs 5 Health instead of gold. Heal 2 Health before each player combat.
  • Cursed Crown - Gain +2 maximum team size, but take 100% increased player damage.
  • Cybernetic Bulk III - Your champions holding an item gain 500 health.
  • Cybernetic Leech III - Your units holding an item gain 225 Health and 20% Omnivamp.
  • Demacia Crown - Gain a Demacia Emblem, a Recurve Bow, and a Quinn.
  • Double Trouble III - When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 44% Attack Damage and 44 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
  • Endless Hordes - Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 20%. Gain 6 gold.
  • Endless Hordes + - Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 20%. Gain 9 gold.
  • Final Reserves - The first time you would be eliminated or reduced to 1 Health, instead remain alive. Then, at the beginning of your next planning phase gain 70 XP and set your gold to 66. Excess gold is converted to XP.
  • Freljord Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Freljord. Gain a Redemption and an Ashe.
  • Golden Ticket - Each time your Shop is refreshed, you have a 50% chance to gain a free refresh.
  • Gunner Crown - Gain a Gunner Emblem, a Runaan's Hurricane, and a Jayce.
  • Harmacist III - Your units heal for 25% of the damage they deal, and they convert 30% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack.
  • Hedge Fund - Gain 23 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 10.
  • Hedge Fund+ - Gain 32 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 10.
  • Hedge Fund++ - Gain 44 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 10.
  • Impenetrable Bulwark - Gain a Bramble Vest, a Dragon's Claw, a Giant's Belt, and a Magnetic Remover.
  • Infernal Contract - Your max level is 7. Gain 75 gold.
  • Invoker Crown - Gain a Invoker Emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Karma.
  • Ionia Crown - Gain an Ionia Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Karma.
  • Ixtal Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Ixtal. Gain a Crownguard and a Neeko.
  • Jeweled Lotus III - Your units' Abilities can critically strike. Your units gain 45% Critical Strike chance.
  • Juggernaut Crown - Gain an Juggernaut Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Darius.
  • Level Up! - When you buy XP, gain an additional 3. Gain 2 immediately. You can now reach level 10.
  • Living Forge - Gain an Artifact Anvil now and after every 10 player combats.
  • Lucky Gloves - Thief's Gloves will always give your champions ideal items. Gain 3 Sparring Gloves.
  • March of Progress - Gain 3 XP now, and bonus XP equal to your level at the start of every player combat round. You can no longer use gold to level up.
  • Multicaster Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Multicaster. Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet and a Vel'Koz.
  • Noxus Crown - Gain a Noxus Emblem, a Sparring Gloves, and a Darius.
  • Overwhelming Force - Gain a Deathblade and an Infinity Edge, a BF Sword, and a Magnetic Remover.
  • Pandora's Items III - Gain a random Radiant item. Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown, Spatula, and consumables).
  • Phreaky Friday - Gain an Infinity Force. After 5 player combats, gain another.
  • Phreaky Friday + - Gain an Infinity Force. After 3 player combats, gain another.
  • Piltover Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Piltover. Gain a Giant Slayer and a Jayce.
  • Pumping Up III - Your units gain 12% Attack Speed. Each round, increase this by 2%.
  • Radiant Relics - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 5 unique Radiant items. Gain a Magnetic Remover.
  • Rogue Crown - Gain a Rogue Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Katarina.
  • Roll The Dice - Gain a Rascal's Gloves, which equips two random Radiant items every round.
  • Shopping Spree - Gain 1 gold per round. When you level up, gain a number of free shop refreshes equal to your level, which carry over between rounds.
  • Shurima Crown - Gain a Shurima Emblem, a Protector's Vow, and a Naafiri.
  • Slayer Crown - Gain a Slayer Emblem, a Night Harvester, and a Quinn.
  • Social Distancing III - Combat start: Units with no adjacent allies gain 25% Attack Damage and 25 Ability Power.
  • Sorcerer Crown - Gain a Sorcerer Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Vel'Koz.
  • Spectral Supplies - Combat start: Distribute 4 temporary items to the champions with the fewest items.
  • Spoils of War III - When you kill an enemy unit, there's a 40% chance to drop loot.
  • Starter Kit - Gain a Tier 4 champion and a 2-star Tier 1 champion that shares a trait with them. At the next 2 stages, gain the Tier 4 champion again.
  • Stationary Support III - Gain 1 Training Dummy(s). They have 2 random Support Item(s) equipped, which cannot be removed.
  • Strategist Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Strategist. Gain an Adaptive Helm and a Swain.
  • Tactician's Tools - Gain two Spatulas.
  • Targon Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Targon. Gain a Redemption and a Taric.
  • The Golden Egg - Gain a massive golden egg that hatches in 11 turns. Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.
  • Think Fast - Shop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain 3 gold.
  • Tiniest Titan - Your tactician is small and speedy, heals 2 Health after a PVP round, and grants 2 gold per round.
  • Transfusion III - Your units gain 50 Health, plus 5 Health per missing Tactician Health.
  • Unleashed Arcana - Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet, a Rabadon's Deathcap, a Needlessly Large Rod, and a Magnetic Remover.
  • Vanquisher Crown - Gain a Vanquisher Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Darius.
  • Void Crown - Gain a Void Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and a Rek'Sai.
  • Void Soul - Your team counts as having 1 additional Void. Gain a Zz'Rot Portal and a Rek'Sai.
  • Wandering Trainer - Gain a Training Dummy. It has 3 random Emblems equipped, which cannot be removed. Gain 4 gold.
  • Wellness Trust - Round start: Gain 3 gold. If you have at least 40 gold, your Tactician heals 2 Health.
  • What The Forge - All completed items you own or receive are transformed into random Artifacts (excluding Tactician's Crown and Emblems). Units gain 110 Health per equipped Artifact.
  • Zaun Crown - Gain a Zaun Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and an Ekko.

Related: Teamfight Tactics – Can you demote from masters in TFT?

All TFT Set 9.5 Items

Adaptive Helm

  • Crafting: Tear of the Goddess and Negatron Cloak
    • Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.
      • Front Two Rows: 35 Armor and Magic Resist.
      • Back Two Rows: 20 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.

Nashor's Tooth

  • Crafting: Recurve Bow and Giant's Belt
    • After casting an Ability, gain 40% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.


  • Crafting: Negatron Cloak and Giant's Belt
    • 30% Sunder enemies within 2 hexes. Gain 20 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 10 seconds of combat.


  • Crafting: Needlessly Large Rod and Chain Vest
    • Combat start: Gain a 30% max Health Shield for 8 seconds. When the shield expires, gain 40 Ability Power.

Sterak's Gage

  • Crafting: BF Sword and Giant’s Belt
    • Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 20% max Health and 35% Attack Damage

Night Harvester

  • Crafting: Chain Vest and Sparring Gloves
    • Deal 12% bonus damage. After falling below 60% Health, increase this to 30% for the rest of combat.

Want more help with TFT? Be sure to check out our guide on How the TFT ranking system works!

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About the Author

Rayed is a fifth-year student of medicine. His gaming journey started on his hand-me-down PlayStation 1. From that to Xbox, and finally to PC. In his free time, he likes to play FPS and open-world games.

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TFT Cheat Sheets | Set 9.5: Horizonbound! – Champions, Traits, Augments, & Items

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