All New World Weapon Skill Trees

All skill trees across the 11 weapons in New World!

Each of the main skill trees for players of New World revolve around a specific weapon of choice. Players can bounce between the two trees provided for each weapon of their choosing. We'll cover all the possible options within every weapon skill tree.

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Sword & Shield Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Leaping Strike - Leap four meters and deal 135% weapon damage.
    • Final Strike
    • Cowarldly Punishment
  • Whirling Blade - Two meter AOE dealing 145% weapon damage.
    • Opportunity
    • Tactical Strike
  • Reverse Stab - Stab behind the player for 175% weapon damage.
    • Unstoppable Stab
    • Tactician

Passive Skills:

  • Precision
  • Mobility
  • Opportunist
  • Confidence
  • Empowered Stab
  • Freeing Justice
  • Counter Attack
  • Critical Precision
  • Achilles Heel
  • Leadership


Active Abilities:

  • Defiant Stance - Reduce the incoming base damage of attackers by 30% for eight seconds.
    • Final Countdown
    • Restoration
  • Shield Rush - Rush forward five meters, knocking back foes and dealing 125% weapon damage.
    • Improved Rush
    • Intimidating Rush
  • Shield Bash - Deals 50% weapon damage and stuns foes for two seconds.
    • Intimidating Bash
    • Concussive Bash

Passive Skills:

  • Sturdy Shield
  • Elemental Resistance
  • One With the Shield
  • Final Blow
  • Sturdy Grip
  • Defensive Training
  • Fortitude
  • Recuperation
  • High Grip
  • Defensive Formation

Rapier Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Tondo - Slash that deals 100% weapon damage over 12 seconds and adds bleeding damage. Can be stacked three times.
    • Thirst for Blood
    • And Again
    • Proper Spacing
  • Flurry - Five quick strikes with each dealing more damage than the last.
    • Overwhelm
    • Fleeting Strikes
    • To the Bone
    • Finalize
  • Flourish & Finish - Flourish is a knockback attack, and Finish is a light attack thrown on the end of Flourish to lunge and consume all bleeds dealing 110% weapon damage.
    • With Flair
    • Swagger
    • Fuel
    • Bloody End

Passive Skills:

  • Refreshing Strikes
  • Unerring
  • Heavy Puncture
  • Engarde
  • Light Edge


Active Abilities:

  • Evade - Sidestep to provide the player with momentary invulnerability.
    • Breathe In
    • Allegro
    • Adagio
    • Crescendo
  • Riposte - Defensive stance that will counter an attacker facing them briefly. If successful, players are made invulnerable for 1.5 seconds.
    • Insult to Injury
    • Priority
    • Lasting Consequence
  • Fleche - 10 meter lunge attack that deals 145% weapon damage to enemies in the AOE.
    • Quick Lunge
    • Backside
    • Interruption

Passive Skills:

  • Desperation
  • Red Curtains
  • Controlled Breathing
  • Perfectionist
  • Swiftness
  • Momentum

Hatchet Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Feral Rush - Two-hit sprint attack dealing 115% weapon damage on the first hit and 130% on the second.
    • Dispatch
    • Crippling Strikes
  • Berserk - Sends the character into a Berserk Mode, making all attacks deal 20% more damage for 15 seconds.
    • On the Hunt
    • Berserking Refresh
    • Berserking Purge
    • Uninterruptible Berserk
  • Raging Torrent - Four swift attacks each dealing 90% weapon damage.
    • Aggressive Approach
    • Final Blow

Passive Skills:

  • Enraged Strikes
  • Against All Odds
  • Frenzied Purge
  • Accumulated Power
  • Relentless Fury
  • Fortifying Strikes
  • Desperate Refresh
  • Defy Death


Active Abilities:

  • Rending Throw - Axe throw dealing 110% weapon damage, applying Rend, reducing the target's damage absorption by 10% for 10 seconds.
    • Targeted Impact
    • Opportunistic
    • Second Wind
  • Social Distancing - Throws an axe forward, while dodging backward. Deals 130% weapon damage and slow targets by 15% for three seconds.
    • Quick Power
    • Stay Back
  • Infected Throw - Throws an axe dealing 150% weapon damage and sets disease and weaken on the target for five seconds.
    • Mortal Power
    • Aerial Transmission

Passive Skills:

  • Aimed Throw
  • Refreshing Throws
  • Boot and Rally
  • Rejuvenating Crits
  • Critical Throw
  • Exploitation
  • On Fire
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Persistent Hinderance

Spear Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Cyclone - A spinning AOE that deals 100% weapon damage, pushes enemies back three meters, and applies 50% Slow to them for three seconds.
    • Invigorating Combo
    • Strong Momentum
  • Javelin - Throw the spear to deal 125% weapon damage and stagger the target.
    • Forceful Impact
    • Refreshing Precision
    • Deadly Distance
  • Sweep - Sweeps the target's legs out from under them, dealing 75% weapon damage and knocking them prone.
    • Tenacious Sweep
    • Coup de Grace

Passive Skills:

  • Deadly Consistency
  • Deadly Reach
  • Refreshing Reach
  • Invigorating Crits
  • Strong Conditioning
  • Evasive Maneuvers
  • Merciless Strength
  • Defensive Stance
  • Reserved Strength


Active Abilities:

  • Perforate - Three quick strikes that each deal 70% weapon damage and apply Rend to targets, reducing their damage absorption by 5% for 10 seconds.
    • Rupturing Strikes
    • Impactful Strikes
  • Skewer - A rush spear attack dealing 125% weapon damage. Applies bleed to the target, dealing 10% weapon damage for a 10 second DPS.
    • Deadly Ambush
    • Follow Through
    • Deep Wound
  • Vault Kick - Use the spear to kick a target, dealing 75% weapon damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    • Relentless Blows
    • Continuous Motion

Passive Skills:

  • Precise Jabs
  • Crippling Jabs
  • Unerring Precision
  • Exacerbating Crits
  • Refreshing Jabs
  • Finishing Blows
  • Aggressive Maneuvers
  • Exposed Wounds
  • Exploited Weakness

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Great Axe Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Charge - Charge 10 meters, dealing 120% weapon damage. This ability is unstoppable.
    • Frenzied Momentum
    • Unpredictable Strike
  • Reap - AOE that pulls enemies within five meters of the player, dealing 110% weapon damage to each target.
    • The Collector
    • Hunger
    • Fatal Attraction
  • Execute - An overheard swing dealing 200% weapon damage. Deals 30% more damage against enemies under 50% health.
    • Unstoppable Greed
    • Executioner

Passive Skills:

  • Critical Gains
  • Frustration
  • Keen Edge
  • Feed
  • Greed
  • Death's Embrace
  • Critical Condition
  • Executioner's Speed
  • Blood Lust


Active Abilities:

  • Whirlwind - Spin AOE attack dealing 50% weapon damage up to four times in a row.
    • Gusting Winds
    • Unending Winds
    • Surrounded
  • Maelstrom - An AOE spin and pull attack dealing 110% weapon damage.
    • Storm's Reach
    • Absorb
    • No Reprieve
  • Gravity Well - Create a vortex with a thrown axe to pull enemies within 10 meters towards the player for three seconds. Deals 125% burst weapon damage.
    • Crowded Well
    • Unyielding

Passive Skills:

  • Mauler's Resolve
  • Gravity
  • Center of Attention
  • Heavy Pull
  • Enduring Strike
  • Revenge

Warhammer Skill Tree

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Active Abilities:

  • Armor Breaker - Smashes through armor with 35% armor penetration and 140% weapon damage.
    • Indomitable
    • Lasting Trauma
    • Opening Act
  • Mighty Gavel - Leaping attack dealing 160% weapon damage.
    • Summary Judgement
    • Impact Fracture
    • Expedite
    • Justice for All
  • Wrecking Ball - Smash attack that flattens enemies, dealing 120% weapon damage.
    • Safety Measures
    • Breathing Room

Passive Skills:

  • Epitome of Bonk!
  • Exhaustive Attacks
  • Quick Recovery
  • Hammer Time
  • Hardened Steel
  • Contemption
  • Power Through Pain

Crowd Crusher

Active Abilities:

  • Shockwave - Three meter AOE dealing 80% weapon damage and stunning enemies for two seconds.
    • Frailty
    • Meteoric Crater
  • Clear Out - Knock back attack tossing enemies four meters back and dealing 115% weapon damage.
    • Power Cleaner
    • Clean and Refreshed
    • Swing Away
  • Path of Destiny - A wave attack dealing 110% weapon damage to all in it's path.
    • Seismic Wave
    • Stimulated Reduction

Passive Skills:

  • Outnumbered
  • Facilitated Expedition
  • Resurgence
  • I Can Do This All Day
  • Guarded Sprint
  • Acceleration
  • Concussive Impact
  • Prevailing Spirit
  • Aftershock

Bow Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Poison Shot - An arrow that creates a three meter AOE of poison for six seconds dealing 10% weapon DPS for 20 seconds.
    • Infected Arrow
    • Direct Hit
  • Evade Shot - A leaping shot, moving the player back five meters and dealing 125% weapon damage.
    • Evasive Knockback
    • Go The Distance
  • Rain of Arrows - An AOE arrow barrage seven meters wide, that deals 150% weapon damage.
    • Barred Arrows
    • Hooked Arrows

Passive Skills:

  • Archer's Speed
  • Battle Precision
  • Catch Me If You Can
  • Closing In
  • Dodge and Weave
  • Evasive Tactics
  • Hunter's Insight
  • Impale
  • Knee Shot
  • Mark


Active Abilities:

  • Rapid Shot - Three arrows, the first two dealing 100% weapon damage, and the third knocksback and deals 125% weapon damage.
    • Rapid Accuracy
    • Final Blow
  • Penetrating Shot - A single arrow shot, dealing 100% weapon damage and passing through all enemies in that direction for 100 meters.
    • Blood Soaked Arrow
    • Deep Strike
  • Splinter Shot - An arrows that splits into three, each dealing 50% weapon damage.
    • Scatter Shot
    • Calculated

Passive Skills:

  • Aim True
  • Arrow Range
  • Bullseye
  • Concussion
  • Finishing Shot
  • Hawkeye
  • Long Range
  • Opening Strike
  • Surprise Attack
  • Unbreakable Focus

Musket Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Powder Burn - Overloaded gunpowder shot that deals burn damage on top of the shot dealing 110% weapon damage and burns for 20% weapon damage for nine seconds.
    • Backdraft
    • Chronic Trauma
  • Power Shot - An overloaded shot that cannot be stacked or combined dealing 150% weapon damage.
    • Initial Engagement
    • First Blood
    • Bullseye
  • Shooter's Stance - A stance that enhances all shots made within it to deal 100% weapon damage, reduce mobility to zero, and reduce reload time by 75%.
    • Shoot More
    • Marksman

Passive Skills:

  • Ballistic Advantage
  • Called Shot
  • Called Shot Resupply
  • Critical Reload
  • Empowering Headshot
  • Greater Accuracy
  • Heightened Precision
  • Hit Your Mark
  • Sniper


Active Abilities:

  • Stopping Power - Overloaded shot deals 120% weapon damage, staggering the target and knocking them back three meters.
    • Lasting Impression
    • Supplementary Repulsion
  • Traps - Throws a trap out that lasts 20 seconds and roots an enemy who walks threw it for three seconds.
    • Trapped Damage
    • Scent of Blood
    • Double Trap
  • Sticky Bomb - A short range bomb that sticks to the surface it's thrown against, detonating within three seconds, it deals a 175% weapon damage three meter AOE.
    • Unflinching Walk
    • Sticky Slow

Passive Skills:

  • Back It Up
  • Empowering Weakness
  • Energy Burst
  • Hustle
  • Kick 'Em When They're Down
  • Lethal Combo
  • Salt On The Wounds
  • Tactical Reload
  • Weakened Defense

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Fire Staff Skill Trees

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Fire Mage

Active Abilities:

  • Pillar of Fire - A targeted spell dealing 134% weapon damage.
    • First Strike
    • Arson's Advantage
  • Meteor Shower - An AOE of raining meteors dealing 34% weapon damage on impact and 20% weapon DPS.
    • Immolation
    • Fiery Determination
    • Judgement of Helios
  • Fireball - A single fireball dealing 140% weapon damage leaving a three meter burning field dealing 10% weapon DPS.
    • Scorched Earth
    • Catch

Passive Skills:

  • Clear Casting
  • Clear Mind
  • Fiery Restoration
  • Flare
  • Prophet Of A Fire God
  • Runes Of Helios
  • Singe
  • Spell Focus
  • Spellslinger


Active Abilities:

  • Incinerate - Fiery AOE explosion dealing 130% damage and knocking enemies back three meters. Additionally, catches enemies on fire dealing 3% weapon DPS for six seconds.
    • Scorched
    • Cauterize Wounds
    • Flame Out!
  • Flamethrower - Jet of flame dealing 34% weapon DPS. Additionally, catches enemies on fire dealing 3% weapon DPS for six seconds.
    • Fire's Reach
    • Infernal Flames
    • Pyro Dance
  • Burn Out - Dash through enemies dealing 129% weapon damage. Enemies caught in the path will catch fire, dealing 10% weapon DPS for eight seconds.
    • All In
    • Heat It Up!

Passive Skills:

  • Combat Speed
  • Heat It Up
  • Kindle
  • Let It Burn
  • Pyromania
  • Reheat
  • Trial By Fire
  • Watch It Burn

Life Staff Skill Trees

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Active Abilities:

  • Divine Embrace - Heal a single target for 150% weapon damage.
    • Privilege
    • Shared Struggle
    • Rebound
  • Sacred Ground - A 12 seconds AOE healing for 10% weapon DPS.
    • Holy Ground
    • Blessed
  • Splash of Light - Heal entire party for 50% weapon damage.
    • Shared Recovery
    • Purify

Passive Skills:

  • Absolved
  • Blissful Touch
  • Desperate Speed
  • Divine Blessing
  • Enchanted Justice
  • Intensify
  • Revitalize
  • Sacred Protection


Active Abilities:

  • Orb of Protection - A light projectile, granting 15% Fortify for 20 seconds, healing an ally for 10% weapon damage. Additionally, dealing 95% weapon damage when it impacts an enemy.
    • Protector's Blessing
    • Shared Protection
    • Aegis
  • Light's Embrace - Heals a single target for 75% weapon damage and an additional 30% for each buff on the target.
    • Inspire
    • Connection
    • Magnify
  • Beacon - A light projectile dealing 95% weapon damage to enemies and attached to the one it impacts. Additionally, allies near the main target will be healed 20% weapon damage for 10 seconds.
    • Infused Light
    • Radiance's Blessing
    • Speed Of Light

Passive Skills:

  • Balance
  • Bend Light
  • Defensive Light
  • Glowing Focus
  • Magnify
  • Protector's Strength
  • Protector's Touch
  • Spirit's United

Ice Gauntlet Skill Trees

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Ice Tempest

Active Abilities:

  • Wind Chill - A burst of freezing wind of five meters, pushing back enemies and dealing damage to them for two seconds.
    • Enduring Chill
    • Chilling Blast
  • Ice Spikes - An eight meter straight line of ice spikes that push out of the ground pushing enemies back. The last spike deals heavy damage.
    • Refreshing Spikes
    • Empowered Spikes
    • Deadly Path
    • Spiky Reach
  • Ice Storm - A ranged AOE dealing damage and slowing to those within five meters. Those within 20 meters are slowed by 25% for five seconds.
    • Weakening Gust
    • Storm Summoner
    • Punishing Storm

Passive Skills:

  • Cold Reach
  • Critical Frost
  • Critical Rejuvenation
  • Energized Critical
  • Gathering Storm
  • Heavy Freeze
  • Ultimate Chill

Ice Conjurer

Active Abilities:

  • Ice Shower - Create an AOE of ice that is one by five meters, that stickens Will and causes Frostbite. Frostbite roots enemies, slows speed by 50% remaining for three seconds after leaving the AOE.
    • Enduring Shower
    • Quick Shower
    • Frigid Showers
  • Ice Pylon - Creates an ice pylon that fires projectiles dealing 50% weapon damage against enemies within a 20 meter range for 15 seconds.
    • Greater Pylon
    • Pylon Regen
    • Pylon Dodge
    • Pylon Refresh
    • Ultimate Frost
  • Entombed - Entombs the player in ice, making them invulnerable and increasing their mana and health regen for 10 seconds.
    • Strengthened Tomb
    • Cleansing Tomb

Passive Skills:

  • Blocking Stamina
  • Defiant Freeze
  • Empowered Frost
  • Frozen Touch
  • Quick Frost
  • Refreshing Frost
  • Ultimate Frost

For more New World content, check out How to get Hooked Squid in New World on Pro Game Guides.

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About the Author

India (Clay) MacGregor is a writer and artist, creating their own comic book series Harkøth's Blood. They are a lover of high fantasy in all mediums. India originally fell in love with games like Dungeons & Dragons, Morrowind, and Dragon Age in childhood. In 2018 they graduated from Full Sail University with their BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment and have been writing ever since.
Find India MacGregor On: Twitter

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All New World Weapon Skill Trees

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